“We shape our institution and our institution shapes us”, Winston Churchill. |
TCET always believes in quality education 'Quality is not an act but a habit' is a maxim that Thakur College of Engineering & Technology (TCET) has identified with right from its inception in the academic year 2001-02. Today institutes have well-designed and well-executed systems and processes, maintaining transparency, accountability and integrity. Quality of product and services offered to the students (our customer) is second to none in the education sector particularly professional technical education.
Quality in Education leads to
- Development of intellectual skills and knowledge
- Contribute to society through productive and satisfying engineering careers
- Instill commitment to sustainable development
- Perform world class research to advance the frontiers of knowledge.
- An opportunity to lifelong learning and practice
- Provide innovative solutions through research, consultancy and continuing education for satisfying current and future industrial and R&D needs
- Extend expertise towards improvement in the quality of technical education
- Achieve excellence in the support services of the institute through continuous improvement and teamwork.
Quality Policy:
We, the Staff, Faculty and the Management of Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, are committed to provide state-ofthe- art infrastructure and facilities, conducive academic environment to deliver Quality Technical Education to our students.
We shall work as a team and interact with the students in pro-active manner to achieve our Institutional Quality Objectives and fulfill all academic and regulatory requirements to continually enhance the satisfaction of our students.
TCET Achievements: A Mark of Quality Education
- Institute is NAAC accredited with grade “A” in 1 Cycle for 5 years w.e.f. 30/10/2017. Undergraduate Programs of E&TC IT, COMP, and ELEX are accredited by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi w.e.f. 1.7.2019 for 3 years which is extended upto 30.6.2022 in the current academic year
- Institute is ranked among top 200 colleges in the country where the institute is ranked 193 in NIRF India Ranking 2019 in th th Engineering category and 68th & 78th in All India Rank by Outlook survey published in June 2019 & May 2018 respectively
- AICTE CII Survey
- 2020: Institute- "Platinum" (High) Category
- 2019: Institute- "Platinum" (High) Category
- 2018: Institute- "Platinum" (High) Category
- 2017: Institute- "Platinum "(High) Category
- 2016: Institute- "Platinum" (High) Category
- 2015: CMPN-IT - "Platinum" (High) category
- 2014: CMPN-IT & EXTC-ETRX- "Platinum" (High) category
- 2013: CMPN-IT - "3" (High) category, EXTC & ETRX- "2" (Medium) category
- Institute has been Certified for ISO 9001:2000 in A.Y. 2005-06 and currently upgraded to ISO: 9001:2015 in A.Y.2017-18
- Institute has received Asia Pacific Quality Organization (APQO) World Class Global Performance Excellence Award 2016 on 21 November 2016 in New Zealand for Best in Class Award in Education Category.
- Recipient of IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award (RBNQA) in 2015 for Performance Excellence and Commendation certificate in 2013.
- Best Innovative & Performing Engineering College NEA (National Maharashtra Education Award) in A.Y.2015-16 organized at UOM
'Quality can never be the destination but will always remain a journey' - In the time to come the institute will strive to bring many more such glories through the continuous journey of quality education.' |
Marching Towards Excellence
Academic Year | Awards |
A.Y. 2023-24 | • NBA Accreditation of Mechanical and Civil Engineering for 3 years under TIER – I (applicable
Autonomous colleges) • Starting for M.E. in Mechanical and Civil Engineering each with 18 Intake. • Starting of BBA (120 Intake), BCA (120 Intake) and MBA (120 Intake) • Starting of Engineering Courses for Working Professional, Engineering courses for Computer and AI&DS with 30 Intake Each Engineering (UG Courses) and Computer and IT with 15 Intake Each (PG Courses) |
A.Y. 2022-23 | • AICTE approved for B.Voc new course Data Analytics and increase intake in Artificial
Intelligence & Data
Science (AI&DS) 30 to 60 • New B.Voc Courses in Animation and Graphic Design Started in A.Y. 2022-23 • New B.Voc Course in Software Development Started in A.Y. 2022- 23. • Increase in Intake in Ph.D. Courses in Computer Engineering (10 to 20 Seats), Information Technology (10 to 20 Seats) and Electronics & Telecommunication (10 to 20 Seats). • NBA Accredition for UG courses of COMP, IT, E&TC and E&CS for next 3 years. • Infrastructure is upgraded as per the International standard for all courses. • Increase in Intake in B.E. Information Technology from 120-180 • Increase in Intake in B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from 60 to 120 |
A.Y. 2021-22 | • New B.E. Course in Computer science and Engineering (Cyber Security) Started in A.Y.
2021-22. • New B.E. Course in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (Additive Manufacturing) started in A.Y. 2021-22 • New B.Voc Course in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) started in A.Y, 2021-22 • Change in the name of Course “Electronics Engineering” to “Electronics and Computer Science Engineering” started in A.Y. 2021- 22 • LIC visit for Permanent affiliation for Civil Engineering (UG), Mechanical Engineering (UG), M.E. Computer Engineering (PG), M.E. Information Technology (PG) and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (PG) done. • All India ranked 51 out of 1530+ colleges in India and ranked 9 out of 383 Colleges in western India A.Y. 2021-22. Ranking report of Internship Day 2021 by Internshala. • NBA Accreditation for UG courses of Civil and Mechanical Engineering for 3 years |
A.Y. 2020-21 | • Applied for NBA Accreditation for Civil (UG) Mechanical (UG) • Among Top 250 Colleges in NIRF India Ranking Conducted by MHRD for the A.Y. 2020 • New B.Tech Courses Under UG Program Introduced under emerging area-Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Internet of Things (IoT) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • TCET-NPTEL local Chapter stood 2 in Mumbai, 10 in Maharashtra and in top 5% amongst the local chapter of the country for the courses run during Jan - Dec 2020. |
A.Y. 2019-20 | • AICTE CII Survey Platinum High Category • Ranked 193rd in NIRF India Ranking 2019 in Engineering Category conducted by MHRD • Proposal Submitted for 15 AQIS scheme to AICTE for Grant for schemes like MODROB, GOC, STTP etc. • NBA Accreditation was extended for 3 years to till 30th June 2022. • Conferred Autonomous Status by University Grants Commission (UGC) for 10 years w.e.f. A.Y. 2019-20 |